I am a native New Yorker and have done some form of art, be it music, photography,jewelry making, since I was a kid. I grew up in the 70's, educated at Little Red in NYC, which cultivated my artistic spirit and talent.
I was surrounded by photography as an art form early on, even before I started taking photographs and developing film and prints in B&W myself. My father owned and worked in color labs in the 60’s,70’s, and 80’s. He developed prints for Scavullo, Meyerowitz, Avedon, Hiro and other pioneers in the photography field.
As an artist, I take to new techniques/art forms and keep pushing myself, which is an effort that continues evolving. Over the years in photography, I've been drawn to multiples of objects, be it the sense of infinity and permanence. Perhaps, it is through loss that the sense of infinity is appealing,
Currently, I'm doing photo construction, sculptural work with photographs, collages, transfers on mirrors and image transparency film transfers. I've been drawn to alternative photography, be it Polaroid transfers, emulsion lifts, Cyanotypes, in alternative techniques, one transfers the straight photo into something more surreal.
No matter what your age, you can continue to do artwork throughout your lifetime. In taking photographs, there is a thrill in capturing those moments in time. I am drawn to surreal art, abstract photography and perhaps in using alternative photography, I am able to recreate that blurred line between reality and fantasy.
My image from the Museum of the City of New York's show 'Rising Waters, Hurricane Sandy' was recently accepted into the permanent collection at the Museum of the City of New York. I've had photos in museum group shows at Marin Museum, Marietta Cobb, Masur, Katonah, Monmouth, Attleboro, Griffin and Hockaday and Cica Museums of Art and Berlin Biennial with the Julia Cameron Awards. Jessica Porter Curated a small group show with myself and 2 painters, Joyce Pommer and Elise Freda at the Yard in New York. Most recently I have been in multiple shows at Con Artist Collective in the Lower East Side.
Finally, this past year interviewed Sean Corcoran of the Museum of the City of NY and Sid Kaplan, which appeared in Yield Magazine online.
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Inkjet transparency film transfers instructional video on youtube
Instructional video image transfer onto a rock
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